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Roads: Maintenance & Construction
Lending Library
WV Transportation Technology Transfer Center, http://www2.cemr.wvu.edu/~wwwtt
PO Box 6103
Morgantown, WV 26506-6103
The following publications are available for free borrowing,
for a period of two weeks. Contact: 304-293-3031
ext 2612, kim.carr@mail.wvu.edu
The list below was prepared in August 2000. More up
to date lists of reports,
videos and Cdroms are on the website above, though without clickable subject
Headings: Traffic+Signing, Snow Control, Safety, Roads, Pedestrian/Bicycle, Pavement, Miscellaneous, Management, Maintenance, Legal, HazardousMaterials, Geotech, Finance, Elderly, Drainage, Congestion, Bridges
Traffic+Signing, 1999, 3M Microloop Field Evaluation Report, Pub: Minnesota DOT, 27p, Lending# TS99.5
Traffic+Signing, 1999, Traffic Engineering Handbook, Pub: Institute of Transportation Engineers, 704p, Lending# TS99.2
Traffic+Signing, 1997, FHWA Study Tour for European Traffic Monitoring Programs and Technologies, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 89p, Lending# TS97.2
Traffic+Signing, 1997, Traffic Signals and Lighting, Pub: SNI International Resources, Inc., 75+p, Lending# TS97.5
Traffic+Signing, 1996, Traffic Control Systems Handbook, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 684p, FHWA-SA-95-032, Lending# TS96.3
Traffic+Signing, 1994, Work Zone Traffic Control, Pub: Department of Transportation Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 80p, Publication 203, Lending# TS94.3
Traffic+Signing, 1993, Driver and Pedestrian Comprehension of Pedestrian Law and Traffic Control Devices, Pub: AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, 24p, Lending# TS93.6
Traffic+Signing, 1992, Transportation Planning Handbook, Pub: Institute of Transportation Engineers, 525p, Lending# TS92.5
Traffic+Signing, 1991, Guidelines on the Use of Changeable Message Signs: Summary Report, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 46p, FHWA-TS-91-002, Lending# TS91.2
Traffic+Signing, 1991, Service Life of Retroreflective Traffic Signs, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 112p, FHWA-RD-90-101, Lending# TS91.1
Traffic+Signing, 1989, Evaluation of Antistripping Additives, Pub: Virginia Transportation Research Council, 20p, FHWA-VA-90-4, Lending# PV89.7
Traffic+Signing, 1989, Traffic Control for Short Duration Maintenance Operations on Four-Lane Divided Roadways, Pub: Texas Transportation Institute, 26p, Paper No. 880565, Lending# TS89.3
Traffic+Signing, 1988, Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 400p, FHWA-SA-89-006, Lending# TS88.2
Traffic+Signing, 1988, Standards for Work Zone Traffic Control, Pub: American Traffic Safety Services Association, 60p, 15M 3-92, Lending# TS88.4
Traffic+Signing, 1987, Better Military Traffic Engineering, Pub: Military Traffic Management Command, 300p, MTMCTEA Pamphlet 55-17, Lending# TS87.2
Traffic+Signing, 1987, Low-Cost Methods for Improving Traffic Operations on Two-Lane Roads: Instructor's/Information Guide, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 185p, FHWA-IP-87-2, Lending# TS87.4
Traffic+Signing, 1987, Retroreflectivity of Roadway Signs for Adequate Visibility: A Guide, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 49p, FHWA-DF-88-001, Lending# TS87.5
Traffic+Signing, 1986, Guide to Safety Features for Local Roads and Streets, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 176p, Lending# TS86.3
Traffic+Signing, 1985, Improving Highway Information at Hazardous Locations, Pub: US Dept. of Transportation, 69p, Lending# TS85.10
Traffic+Signing, 1985, Inspector's Manual for Traffic Signal Construction, Pub: Texas Department of Highways and Public Transportation, 70p, Lending# TS85.6
Traffic+Signing, 1985, Traffic Sign Handbook: for Low Volume Rural Roads, Pub: New York State Department of Transportation, 103p, Lending# TS85.1
Traffic+Signing, 1985, Traffic Signal Brightness: An Examination of Nighttime Dimming, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 20p, FHWA-TS-85-213, Lending# TS85.5
Traffic+Signing, 1984, Outdoor Testing of Reflective Sign Materials, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 41p, HTO-21-10-85(2M)ENR, Lending# TS85.3
Traffic+Signing, 1984, Removal of Multiway Stop Signs with Minimum Hazard: Vol. I Technical Report, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 96p, FHWA-RD-84-084, Lending# TS84.1
Traffic+Signing, 1982, The Impact of Traffic on Residential Areas, Pub: US Department of Transportation, 34p, DOT-I-82-30, Lending# TS82.2
Traffic+Signing, 1981, Handbook of Traffic Control Practices for Low Volume Rural Roads, Pub: Kansas Department of Transportation, 113p, Lending# TS81.1
Traffic+Signing, 1981, Reflective Marker Paint Stripe Skipper Instruments: Summary Report, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 7p, FHWA-TS-81-205, Lending# TS81.2
Traffic+Signing, 1980, Traffic Stripe Removal, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 60p, FHWA-TS-79-227, Lending# TS80.3
Traffic+Signing, 1979, Signal Operations Analysis Package: Vol 1 Computational Methodology, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 51p, Lending# TS79.2
SnowControl, 1996, Evaluation of Urethane Snow Plow Blades as an Alternative to Rubber Blades, Pub: Virginia Transportation Research Council, 26p, FHWA-VA-96-R2, Lending# SN96.1
SnowControl, 1991, Safety Restoration During Snow Removal: Guidelines, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 109p, FHWA-TS-90-036, Lending# SN91.2
SnowControl, 1990, Snow and Ice Control on Local Roads: Course Notebook, Pub: Maine Department of Transportation, 130p, Lending# SN90.2
SnowControl, 1983, Costs to the Public Due to Use of Corrosive Deicing Chemicals and a Comparison to Alternate Winter Road Maintenance Procedures, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 35p, DOT-I-87-06, Lending# SN83.1
SnowControl, 193, Snow Removal and Ice Control Technology, Pub: Transportation Research Board, 237p, No. 1387, Lending# SN93.4
Snow Control, 1999, Guide for Snow and Ice Control, Pub: AASHTO, 256p, Lending# SN99.2
Snow Control, 1994, An Improved Displacement Snowplow, Pub: Strategic Highway Research Program, 86p, Lending# SN94.2
Snow Control, 1993, Evaluation Procedures for Deicing Chemicals and Improved Sodium Chloride, Pub: Strategic Highway Research Program, 270p, Lending# SN93.5
Safety, 1999, Automatic Detection of Driver Fatigue - Phase III, Pub: Minnesota DOT, 43p, MN/RC-1999-30, Lending# ST99.2
Safety, 1997, FY 1997 WV Performance-Based Highway Safety Plan, Pub: Dept. of Military Affairs and Public Safety, 25p, Lending# ST97.4
Safety, 1997, Highway Safety Design and Operations Guide, Pub: AASHTO, 118p, Lending# ST97.1
Safety, 1996, 1996 West Virginia Accident Data, Pub: WVDOH, 24p, Lending# ST96.4
Safety, 1996, Lighted Guidance Devices: Intelligent Work Zone Traffic Control, Pub: Minnesota Department of Trasportation, 131p, Report#96-05, Lending# ST96.2
Safety, 1995, Control of Vehicle Speeds in Temporary Traffic Control Zones (Work Zones) Using Changeable Message Signs with Radar, Pub: Transportation Research Board, 26p, Paper No. 950622, Lending# ST95.4
Safety, 1995, Highway Safety Performance: Fatal and Injury Accidents Rates on Public Roads in the United States, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 87p, FHWA-SA-95-030, Lending# ST95.6
Safety, 1995, Investigation of Retroreflective Sign Materials at Passive Railroad Crossings, Pub: Virginia Transportation Research Council, 35p, VTRC 95-R22, Lending# ST95.3
Safety, 1993, Commitment, Communication, Cooperation: Traffic Safety and Public Health Working Together to Prevent Traffic Injury, Pub: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 99p, DOT HS 807 962, Lending# ST93.1
Safety, 1992, 1992 West Virginia Accident Data, Pub: WVDOH, 67p, Lending# ST92.7
Safety, 1991, Application of New Accident Analysis Methodologies: Vol II: A Users Manual for BEATS, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 41p, FHWA-RD-91-014, Lending# ST91.8
Safety, 1991, Breakaway Timber Utility Pole Installations in Kentucky, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 20p, FHWA-SA-91-003, Lending# ST91.3
Safety, 1990, Synthesis of Safey Research: Adverse Environmental Conditions, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 46p, FHWA-TS-89-046, Lending# ST90.3
Safety, 1989, A Case for Sciece-Based Road Safety Design and Management, Pub: Transportation Research Board, 27p, Paper No. 880366, Lending# ST89.9
Safety, 1989, An Observational Survey of Safety Belt and Child Safety Seat Use in Virginia, Pub: Virginia Transportation Research Council, 44p, VTRC 91-R28, Lending# ST89.2
Safety, 1989, Development of an Expert System for Highway Safety Analysis, Pub: Transportation Research Board, 17p, Paper No. 88-0276, Lending# ST88.1
Safety, 1989, Development of an Expert System for Highway Safety Analysis, Pub: Transportation Research Board, 17p, Paper No. 88-0276, Lending# ST89.13
Safety, 1989, Factors Affecting Speed Variance and its Influence on Accidents, Pub: Transportation Research Board, 28p, Paper No. 880318, Lending# ST89.10
Safety, 1989, Grade Severity Rating System: Users Manual, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 113p, FHWA-IP-88-015, Lending# ST89.12
Safety, 1989, National Forum on Construction Safety and Health Priorities, Pub: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 66p, Lending# ST89.4
Safety, 1989, Traffic Conflict Techniques for Safety and Operations: Observers Manual, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 40p, FHWA-IP-88-027, Lending# ST89.3
Safety, 1988, Improving Traffic Safety Through Expert Systems, Pub: N. Theophilopoulos, E. Cantilli, A. Yotis, 11p, Lending# ST88.2
Safety, 1987, Safety Cost-Effectiveness of Incremental Changes in Cross-Section Design: Informational Guide, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 97p, FHWA-RD-87-094, Lending# ST87.2
Safety, 1986, How to Make Selective Enforcement Work: Lessons from Completed Evaluations, Pub: Virginia Highway & Transportation Research Council, 17p, VHTRC 87-R15, Lending# ST86.4
Safety, 1986, Local Highway Safety Studies: Users Guide: (LHSS), Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 200p, Lending# ST86.5
Safety, 1980, Accident Research Manual, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 150p, FHWA-RD-80-116, Lending# ST80.2
Safety, CDL Manual, Pub: WV Division of Motor Vehicles, 106p, Lending# ST94.3
Roads, 1999, Dust Palliative Selection and Application Guide, Pub: US Dept. of Agriculture, 19p, Lending# RD99.1
Roads, 1995, Low-Volume Roads: Sixth International Conference: Vol. I, Pub: Transportation Reseach Board, 348p, Lending# RD95.1
Roads, 1994, Using Shredded Waste Tires as a Lightweight Fill Material for Road Subgrades, Pub: Minnesota Department of Transportation, 29p, MN-RD-94-10, Lending# RD94.1
Roads, 1993, The Basics of a Good Road, Pub: Cornell Local Roads Program, 63p, Report #93-3, Lending# RD93.1
Roads, 1987, Low-Volume Roads: Fourth International Conference: Vol. II, Pub: Transportation Reseach Board, 320p, Lending# RD87.2
Pedestrian/Bicycle, 1994, The National Bicycling and Walking Study, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 132p, FHWA-PD-94-023, Lending# PB94.1
Pedestrian/Bicycle, 1991, Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities, Pub: American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, 44p, Lending# PB91.1
Pedestrian/Bicycle, 1991, Synthesis of Safety Research Pedestrians, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 101p, FHWA-SA-91-034, Lending# PB91.2
Pedestrian/Bicycle, 1987, Evaluation of the Burke-Gilman Trail's Effect on Property Values and Crime, Pub: Seattle Engineering Dept. Office for Planning, 100p, Lending# PB87.1
Pavement, 2000, Insights Into Pavement Preservation, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 26p, FHWA-IF-00-011, Lending# PV00.1
Pavement, 2000, Temperature Predictions and Adjustment Factors for Asphalt Pavement, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 77p, FHWA-RD-98-085, Lending# PV00.2
Pavement, 1999, Deformability of Shredded Tires, Pub: Minnesota DOT, 145p, Lending# PV99.3
Pavement, 1999, Fast Track Paving: Concrete Temperature Control and Traffic Opening Criteria for Bonded Concrete Overlays, Volume III: Addendum to the HIPERPAV User's Manual, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 14p, FHWA-RD-99-200, Lending# PV99.6
Pavement, 1999, LTPP Pavement Maintenance Materials: SPS-4 Supplemental Joint Seal Experiment, Final Report, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 172p, FHWA-RD-99-151, Lending# PV99.1
Pavement, 1998, Life-Cycle Analsis in Pavement Design - Participant's Notebook, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 200+p, Lending# PV98.1
Pavement, 1997, Field Management of Hot Mix Asphalt, Pub: National Asphalt Pavement Assoc., 47p, Lending# PV97.2
Pavement, 1997, Pavement Recycling Guidelines for State and Local Governments, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 250+p, FHWA-SA-98-042, Lending# PV97.5
Pavement, 1996, Tire Pavement Noise and Safety Performance: PCC Surface Texture Technical Working Group, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 111p, FHWA-SA-96-068, Lending# PV96.2
Pavement, 1995, Background of Superpave Asphalt Mixture Design and Analysis, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 160p, FHWA-SA-95-003, Lending# PV95.2
Pavement, 1995, Construction and Performance of a Stone Matrix Asphalt Mix Test Section in Virginia, by G.W. Maupin, Jr., Pub: Virginia Transportation Research Council, 29p, FHWA/VA-95-R27, Lending# PV95.5
Pavement, 1995, Evaluation of Modified Single Seal Surface Treatments, by G.W. Maupin, JR. and C.W. Payne, Pub: Virginia Transportation Research Council, 26p, VTRC 95-R23, Lending# PV95.6
Pavement, 1994, A Guide for Local Agency Pavement Managers, Pub: WADOT The Pavement Management System Guidebook Review Team, 100p, Lending# PV94.4
Pavement, 1994, Load Response Instrumentation Installation and Testing Procedures, Pub: Minnesota Road Research Project, 69p, MN/PR-94/01, Lending# PV94.3
Pavement, 1994, Manual Pavement Management Systems for ISTEA 1994, Pub: Technology Transfer Program at University of California, 90p, Lending# PV94.2
Pavement, 1994, Polymerized Crumb Rubber Modified Mixtures in Minnesota, Pub: Minnesota DOT, 181p, MM/RC-94/08, Lending# PV94.5
Pavement, 1993, Crumb Rubber Modifier: Workshop Notes, Design Procedures and Construction Practices, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 150p, FHWA-SA-93-011, Lending# PV93.4
Pavement, 1993, Scrap Tire Utilization Technologies, Pub: National Asphalt Pavement Association and State Asphalt Pavement Association Executives, 29p, Information Series 116, Lending# PV93.7
Pavement, 1992, Asphalt Mixtures Containing Chemically Modified Binders, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 56p, FHWA-RD-92-101, Lending# PV92.1
Pavement, 1992, Impact of Truck Characteristics on Pavements: Truck Load Equivalency Factors, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 220p, FHWA-RD-91-064, Lending# PV92.3
Pavement, 1992, Road Surface Management System (RSMS), Pub: New Hampshire Technology Transfer Center, 100p, Lending# PV92.6
Pavement, 1990, Pavement Management at the Local Government Level, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 52p, FHWA-TS-90-042, Lending# PV90.5, PV90.5
Pavement, 1990, Testing and Evaluation of Large Stone Mixes Using Marshall Mix Design Procedures, Pub: National Asphalt Pavement Association, 30p, Information Series 108, Lending# PV90.2
Pavement, 1989, Asphalt-PASER Manual: Pavement Surface Evaluation and Rating, Pub: University of Wisconsin-Madison Transportation Information Center, 39p, Lending# PV89.4
Pavement, 1989, Concrete-PASER Manual: Pavement Surface Evaluation and Rating, Pub: University of Wisconsin-Madision Transportation Information Center, 49p, Lending# PV89.6
Pavement, 1989, Evaluation of the Use of Rubber-Tire Rollers on Asphalt Concrete, Pub: Virginia Transportation Research Council, 17p, FHWA-VA-89-26, Lending# PV89.1
Pavement, 1989, Gravel-PASER Manual: Pavement Surface Evaluation and Rating, Pub: University of Wisconsin-Madision Transportation Information Center, 32p, Lending# PV89.5
Pavement, 1989, National Seminar on Asphalt Rubber, Pub: Asphalt Rubber Producers Group, 568p, Lending# PV89.8
Pavement, 1989, Temporary Asphalt Medians for Two-Lane, Two-Way Operation, Pub: Virginia Transportation Research Council, 29p, FHWA-VA-89-R24, Lending# PV89.2
Pavement, 1989, Use of Supplemental Cementitious Materials for Optimum Resistance of Concrete to Chloride Penetration, Pub: Virginia Transportation Research Council, 27p, FHWA-VA-89-R20, Lending# PV89.3
Pavement, 1988, Asphalt Surface Treatments for Local Roads and Streets: Manual, Pub: Kentucky Transportation Center, 95p, KTC-88-4, Lending# PV88.3
Pavement, 1988, High Early Strength Latex Modified Concrete Overlay, Pub: Virginia Transportation Research Council, 27p, VTRC 88-R12, Lending# PV88.6
Pavement, 1987, Field Management of Asphalt Concrete Mixes, Pub: Virginia Transportation Research Council, 24p, VTRC 89-R6, Lending# PV87.2
Pavement, 1986, Road Surface Management for Local Government: Six Case Studies, Pub: US Department of Transportation, 77p, DOT-I-85-06R, Lending# PV86.2
Pavement, 1981, A Pavement Moisture Accelerated Distress (MAD) Identification System, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 238p, FHWA-RD-81-080, Lending# PV81.1
Pavement, Second Edition, Recommended Performance Guidelines, Pub: Asphalt Emulsions Manufacturers Association, 124p, Lending# PV1.1
Pavement, 1991/3, Pavement Smoothness, Pub: National Asphalt Pavement Association, 21p, Information Series 111, Lending# PV93.8
Miscellaneous, 1999, Toll Facilities in the United States, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 38p, FHWA-PL-99-011, Lending# MC99.1
Miscellaneous, 1998, Community Impact Mitigation, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 70p, Lending# MC98.2
Miscellaneous, 1998, Fuel Cells in Transportation, Pub: Minn Dot, 36p, MN-RC-99-22, Lending# MC98.1
Miscellaneous, 1997, Air Quality Impacts of Intercity Freight, Volume I, Guidebook, Pub: US. Dept of Transportation, 251p, Lending# MC97.4
Miscellaneous, 1991, Public Transit Research: Rail, Bus, and New Technology, 1991, Pub: Transportation Research Board, 147p, Lending# MC91.2
Miscellaneous, 1991, Transportation in Rural America: A Policy Background, Pub: Department of Agriculture, 20p, Lending# MC91.1
Miscellaneous, 1987, Water Resources, Pub: National Council on Public Works Improvement, 300p, Lending# MC87.1
Management, 1997, Access Management -- Documenting Pracitices External to Minnesota, Pub: Minn DOT, 47p, MN-RC-99-20, Lending# MG97.1
Management, 1997, Freeway Incident Management Handbook, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 128p, Lending# MG91.3
Management, 1996, Transportation Action: A Local Input Model to Engage Community Transportation Planning, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 170p, FHWA-SA-97-096, Lending# MG96.3
Management, 1993, Integrating Transportation Management Systems Into Transportation Planning and Operations National Conference: Proceedings, Pub: Vanderbilt University, 392p, Lending# MG93.1
Management, 1991, Municipal Equipment Management System: Tutorial, Pub: New Hampshire Technology Transfer Center, 112p, Lending# MG91.2
Management, 1984, Transportation Resource Management Workshop for Rural Elected Officials, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 200p, Lending# MG84.1
Management, Incident Management Workshop, Relieving Traffic Congestion Through Incident Management, Pub: Federal Highway Administration (Demonstration Project No. 86), 300+p, Lending# MG94.4
Maintenance, 1992, Asphalt Pavement Maintenance Workshop, Pub: The Technology Transfer Program, 120p, Lending# MT92.3
Maintenance, 1992, State-of-the-Art Survey of Flexible Pavement Crack Sealing Procedures in the United States, Pub: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 19p, CRREL Report 92-18, Lending# MT92.1
Maintenance, 1992, Unsurfaced Road Maintenance Management, Pub: US Army Corps of Engineers, 62p, Report 92-26, Lending# MT92.4
Maintenance, 1991, Correction and Repair of Road Edge Scour for Grassed Shoulders, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 98p, FHWA-FLP-91-003, Lending# MT91.2
Maintenance, 1991, Estimating Highway Maintenance Work, Pub: Ohio Department of Transportation, 59p, Lending# MT91.3
Maintenance, 1990, Maintenance of Aggregate and Earth Roads, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 78p, FHWA-TS-90-035, Lending# MT90.3
Maintenance, 1989, Guide to Common Road and Equipment Maintenance Procedures, Pub: Louisiana Transportation Research Center, 150p, Lending# MT89.3
Maintenance, 1987, Surface Design and Rehabilitation Guidelines for Low-Volume Roads, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 228p, FHWA-TS-87-225, Lending# MT87.2
Maintenance, 1985, Roads and Streets Maintenance Management System MMS: Instructors Guide, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 250p, Lending# MT85.5
Maintenance, 1984, Chip Seals Made Easy, by Jack E. Stephens, Pub: Technology Transfer Center University of Connecticut, 11p, Lending# MT84.1
Maintenance, 1984, Seal Coats and Surface Treatments, Pub: The Pennsylvania Transportation Institute, 44p, Lending# MT84.6
Maintenance, 1983, Pavement Patching Guidelines, Pub: Federal Highway Admininstration, 78p, FHWA-TS-82-221, Lending# MT83.1
Maintenance, 1981, Pothole Primer: A Public Administrator's Guide to Understanding and Managing the Pothole Problem, Pub: US Army Corps of Engineers, 28p, Report 81-21, Lending# MT81.2
Legal, 1989, Municipal Liability in Wisconsin: Highway Problems, Pub: University of Wisconsin-Madison Transportation Information Center, 39p, Lending# LG89.1
Legal, 1980's, Construction Law Seminar: How to Avoid Lawyers in Construction Contracts, Pub: Thaxton and Daniel: Attorneys at Law, 259p, Lending# LG80s.1
HazardousMaterials, 1990, Hazardous Waste: Impacts on Highway Project Development, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 300p, FHWA-HI-92-004, Lending# HZ90.1
HazardousMaterials, 1981, Risk Assessment/Vulnerability Users Manual for Small Communities and Rural Areas, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 119p, DOT-OST-P-34-86-043, Lending# HZ81.1
Geotech, 2000, An Introduction to the Deep Soil Mixing Methods as Used in Geotechnical Applications, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 143p, FHWA-RD-99-138, Lending# GT00.1
Geotech, 2000, Development and Field Testing of Multiple Deployment Model Pile (MDMP), Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 284p, FHWA-RD-99-194, Lending# GT00.2
Geotech, 1999, Extrapolation of Pile Capacity From Non-Failed Load Tests, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 169p, FHWA-RD-99-170, Lending# GT99.2
Geotech, 1996, Landslides Investigation and Mitigation, Pub: Transportation Research Board, 673p, Special Report 247, Lending# GT96.1
Geotech, 1994, Field Study of a Shredded-Tire Embankment, Pub: Virginia Transportation Research Council, 46p, Lending# GT94.1
Geotech, 1993, Embank: A Micro Computer Program to Determine One-Dimensional Compression Settlement Due to Embankment Loads, User's Manual, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 157p, FHWA-SA-92-045, Lending# GT93.4
Geotech, 1992, Static Testing of Deep Foundations, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 174p, FHWA-SA-91-042, Lending# GT92.1
Geotech, 1989, Geotextile Selection and Installation Manual for Rural Unpaved Roads, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 64p, FHWA-RT-89-050, Lending# GT89.1
Geotech, 1987, Accelerated Recovery of Native Vegetation on Roadway Slopes Following Construction: Vol. I General Principles, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 139p, Lending# GT87.4
Geotech, 1986, Fly Ash Facts for Highway Engineers, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 47p, FHWA-DP-59-8, Lending# MC86.1
Geotech, 1984, Centrifugal Testing of Model Piles and Pile Groups Vol. III Centrifuge Tests in Clay, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 131p, FHWA-RD-84-004, Lending# GT84.4
Finance, 1992, Financing Federal-Aid Highways, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 44p, FHWA-PL-92-016, Lending# FN92.2
Finance, 1986, Roadway Cost Accounting and Project Costing Evaluation Methodology, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 60p, DOT-I-87-19, Lending# FN87.1
Finance, 1985, An Inventory of Innovative Financing Techniques for Transportation, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 39p, DOT-I-86-08, Lending# FN86.1
Finance, 1985, Good Practices Guide: Federal-Aid Urban System Program, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 22p, HHP-23/6-85(1M)QE, Lending# FN85.1
Elderly, 1991, Risk Assessment of Elderly Drivers at Intersections: Statistical Modeling, Pub: Transportation Research Board, 24p, Paper No. 910610, Lending# ED91.5
Elderly, 1991, Specific Traffic Maneuver Problems for Older Drivers, Pub: Transportation Research Board, 34p, Paper No. 910617, Lending# ED91.3
Elderly, 1984, Priority Accessible Network for the Elderly and Handicapped Pedestrians in Seattle, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 91p, FHWA-TS-84-205, Lending# ED84.2
Drainage, 1997, Minor Drainage Structures, Highway Construction Training Program, Pub: SNI International Resources, Inc., 92p, Lending# DR97.1
Drainage, 1995, Best Management Practices for Erosion and Sediment Control, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 187p, FHWA-FLP-94-005, Lending# DR95.1
Drainage, 1993, Drainage, Drainage, Drainage: The Importance of Drainage on Local Roads, Pub: The Maine Department of Transportation, 194p, Lending# DR93.2
Drainage, 1986, Longitudinal Edge Drains in Rigid Pavement Systems, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 135p, FHWA-TS-86-208, Lending# DR86.2
Drainage, 1980, Culvert Design Aids, Pub: Portland Cement Association, 24p, Lending# DR80.2
Drainage, 1978, Soils Manual: For the Design of Asphalt Pavement Structures, Pub: The Asphalt Institute, 238p, Manual Series No. 10 (MS-10), Lending# DR78.2
Drainage, 1967, Use of Riprap for Bank Protection, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 43p, Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 11, Lending# DR67.1
Congestion, 1992, Exploring the Role of Pricing as a Congestion Management Tool, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 18p, Lending# CG92.1
Congestion, 1991, Suggested Procedures for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Freeway HOV Facilities, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 151p, Lending# CG91.2
Congestion, 1986, Park and Ride Facilities: Guidelines for Planning Design and Operation, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 103p, Lending# CG86.1
Bridges, 2000, Fifth International Bridge Engineering Conference Vol. I, Pub: Transportation Research Board, 351p, Lending# BR00.1
Bridges, 2000, User's Primer for BRI-STARS (Bridge Stream Tube model for Alluvial River Simulation), Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 56p, FHWA-RD-99-191, Lending# BR00.4
Bridges, 1998, Design and Construction of the Pochuck Quagmire Bridge -- A Suspension Timber Bridge, Pub: USDA, 95p, Lending# BR98.1
Bridges, 1998, Improving Highway Safety at Bridges on Local Roads and Streets, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 35p, Lending# BR98.4
Bridges, 1998, Scour Monitoring and Instrumentation, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 158p, FHWA-SA-96-036, Lending# BR98.2
Bridges, 1996, National Conference on Wood Transportation Structures, Pub: US Department of Agriculture, 494p, Lending# BR96.3
Bridges, 1995, Acoustic Emissions Monitoring of Steel Bridge Members, Pub: Virginia Transportation Research Council, 68p, FHWA-VTRC 95-IR1, Lending# BR95.2
Bridges, 1992, Environmentally Acceptable Materials for the Corrosion Protection of Steel Bridges, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 113p, FHWA-RD-91-060, Lending# BR92.3
Bridges, 1992, Improved Grout for Bonded Tendons in Post-Tensioned Bridge Structures, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 146p, FHWA-RD-91-092, Lending# BR92.2
Bridges, 1992, Summary Report on Selected Bridge Railings, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 29p, FHWA-SA-91-049, Lending# BR91.3
Bridges, 1990, Performance of Bridge Deck Expansion Joints: Summary Report, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 42p, FHWA-SA-90-010, Lending# BR90.3
Bridges, 1990, Timber Bridges: Design, Construction, Inspection, and Maintenance, Pub: US Department of Agriculture, 400p, EM 7700-8, Lending# BR90.4
Bridges, 1988, Notable Unbuilt Bridges, Pub: Virginia Transportation Research Council, 36p, VTRC 88-R28, Lending# BR88.1
Bridges, 1987, Experimental Use of Fly Ash Concrete in Prefabricated Bridge-Deck Slabs, Pub: Virginia Transportation Research Council, 17p, VTRC 88-R1, Lending# BR87.1
Bridges, 1987, Rural Roads and Bridges in the Midwest: Finance and Administration by Counties, Pub: Department of Agriculture, 118p, Lending# BR87.3
Bridges, 1986, Culvert Inspection Manual: Supplement to the Bridge Inspector's Training Manual, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 215p, FHWA-IP-86-2, Lending# BR86.5
Bridges, 1986, Design Examples for Steel Box Girders, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 98p, FHWA-TS-86-209, Lending# BR86.2
Bridges, 1984, Application of Adhesives to Steel Bridges, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 177p, FHWA-Rd-84-037, Lending# BR84.2
Bridges, 1984, Bridge Formula Application Vol. 1, Pub: Federal Highway Administration, 77p, FHWA-RD-84-029, Lending# BR84.3